All posts by Keith McCormic


When I started this site in 2012, I was focused on documenting my efforts at self-improvement and living an authentic life. Hence the name “LibMyLife” and the tagline “Liberating my life”.

In the years since, that quest has derailed more than once as the world continues to spiral downward into a terrifying Rebalancing that will sadly kill a whole lot of people- both human and non-.

In that same time, I’ve learned a lot more about the means of communication in our modern age and (hopefully) what it takes to succeed at getting one’s message out.

I’ve spent the last 30+ years learning skills and techniques that I think will become increasingly important as our way of life adjusts to the new normal. Not just post-Coronavirus, but in the months and years to come as more and more of the flaws and cracks in our dominant paradigms are laid bare at the cost of countless lives.

I’ve also spent those decades processing through a tremendous amount of personal pain, fear, hatred, shame, guilt, and anger. While I’m no saint and I certainly still have more than a reasonable share of these difficult emotions, I believe that owning and authentically dealing with such feelings is something we need to see more of in our world right now.

To that end, I’m realigning LibMyLife around the specific system of adaptation that I’ve been given- “Hedgery“. As such, the site is moving to, though will remain active as a URL for several months.

A pair of hands with each finger representing either a value Hedgers try to develop or a concern that we endeavor to mitigate.
The Ten Fingers of Hedgery

I will also be moving some of the earlier posts to more appropriate blogs. Others might disappear entirely if they don’t have a good home.

However, this blog will remain quite eclectic. Topics will range widely, including everything from recipes and crafts to philosophical discussions and practical knowledge.

I will also be deemphasizing more doctrinal spiritual topics on this blog, reserving those for my other sites. While I will retain a strong commitment towards right relation with our non-human and “inanimate” neighbors and allies, this will be addressed as a practical matter (praxis) instead of as a theological concern.

In addition, I’m planning to develop more video content, I also plan to transform my stored knowledge not just into blog posts and short videos, but into full-fledged publications that can survive electrical disruptions.

Recognizing that this was something I needed to do has been a difficult process and I’m thankful to the Coronavirus quarantine and to the various Holy Powers who helped transform my anxiety and dread into a path forward.

– Keith