I had a real frustration earlier today along the lines of, “it doesn’t matter how well I do, it’s never enough.” While dwelling on that in my own little pity-party, it occurred to me that some of our Holy Powers might feel similarly. In a sense, the understanding that one’s work is never complete or as good as possible can be a tiny pinhole into one aspect of divinity, at least in some cases.
I think it might be especially true of those Powers who stand closer to human affairs- deified heroes, for instance.
In that, I’m reminded of the many stories of culture heroes in which They perform some miracle for Their people, who swiftly forget and demand some other boon. In some cases, humanity later turns on Them, as in the case of Hobomock.
Disney’s portrayal of divine culture hero Maui in Moana touches on this several times in the film. While this is obviously a fictionalized portrayal and is often characterized by egotistical insecurity, the fact remains that Disney’s Maui still wants to help and it’s never good enough for humanity:
While I’m certainly no culture hero, the realization that some of our Holy Powers might also experience frustration is a blessing. One for which I am thankful.
-In Deos Confidimus