Category Archives: General

I think I’ll build a Square Foot Garden

Well, my Boiled Dinner Garden was mostly a flop.  The potatoes yielded a few small “new” potatoes and the cabbages are still going, but the carrots and beets never amounted to anything.  However, because of our CSA, I am still feeling drawn to more organic veggies.   I think I’m going to build a Square Foot Garden (SFG).

The principal behind SFG is similar to Raised-Bed Gardening, but it relies on engineered (organic) soil and a grid system to maximize yields.  After reading Mel Bartholomew’s book, I realized that part of my problem with my current garden is lack of access to the back side.  SFG builds shallow boxes on top of the soil with a three-foot space all around, so that you can get at them.

In addition, because the soil is built from natural materials that don’t contain living weed seeds, there is supposed to be less of a weed problem.  Using a weed barrier helps, too.

It’s late in the summer, but maybe if I can pick some short-season varieties, I can get in a harvest before the frost kills everything…