Square Foot Garden Update 20121012

Well, it looks like we will get a killing frost any day now, so I wanted to post a quick update on my square foot garden.   For those who don’t remember, I started this garden in late summer, so I tried to select crops that would mature quickly.  Here is what the garden looks like today:

The lettuce is all ready to go, even if it’s a bit small.  Just after I took this picture, I harvested some of the lettuce for a salad, along with a couple of beet leaves to play up the color from the red oak lettuce.

The carrots and beets are probably edible, though not as large as they probably should should be at this point in what should be a 60-day growing season.  I’d blame this on lack of water, except it’s been raining A LOT lately.  Nothing seems to be waterlogged, which is good, but I think the lack of sun might have stunted my root crops.

The beans have taken over the back of the front unit completely.  They are just now flowering, so I probably won’t get any beans this year.  These were supposed to be a bush variety, but they are half-bush/half-vine from what I can tell.

The broccoli and kale are not doing well- I suspect a chipmunk.  I’ve been putting out cayenne pepper, but I think either the wetness has been washing it away quickly or this chipmunk is from Texas.

The onions are about where I expected.  They probably won’t reach maturity, but who knows, maybe they will take up where they left off in the spring…

Oh, and the cabbage from my boiled dinner garden has formed little heads, maybe four inches across, which I plan to harvest soon.